Source code for redisvl.extensions.llmcache.semantic

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

from redis import Redis

from redisvl.extensions.llmcache.base import BaseLLMCache
from redisvl.extensions.llmcache.schema import (
from redisvl.index import SearchIndex
from redisvl.query import RangeQuery
from redisvl.query.filter import FilterExpression
from redisvl.utils.utils import current_timestamp, serialize, validate_vector_dims
from redisvl.utils.vectorize import BaseVectorizer, HFTextVectorizer

[docs] class SemanticCache(BaseLLMCache): """Semantic Cache for Large Language Models.""" redis_key_field_name: str = "key" entry_id_field_name: str = "entry_id" prompt_field_name: str = "prompt" response_field_name: str = "response" vector_field_name: str = "prompt_vector" inserted_at_field_name: str = "inserted_at" updated_at_field_name: str = "updated_at" metadata_field_name: str = "metadata" def __init__( self, name: str = "llmcache", distance_threshold: float = 0.1, ttl: Optional[int] = None, vectorizer: Optional[BaseVectorizer] = None, filterable_fields: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, redis_client: Optional[Redis] = None, redis_url: str = "redis://localhost:6379", connection_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs, ): """Semantic Cache for Large Language Models. Args: name (str, optional): The name of the semantic cache search index. Defaults to "llmcache". distance_threshold (float, optional): Semantic threshold for the cache. Defaults to 0.1. ttl (Optional[int], optional): The time-to-live for records cached in Redis. Defaults to None. vectorizer (Optional[BaseVectorizer], optional): The vectorizer for the cache. Defaults to HFTextVectorizer. filterable_fields (Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]): An optional list of RedisVL fields that can be used to customize cache retrieval with filters. redis_client(Optional[Redis], optional): A redis client connection instance. Defaults to None. redis_url (str, optional): The redis url. Defaults to redis://localhost:6379. connection_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): The connection arguments for the redis client. Defaults to empty {}. Raises: TypeError: If an invalid vectorizer is provided. TypeError: If the TTL value is not an int. ValueError: If the threshold is not between 0 and 1. """ super().__init__(ttl) # Use the index name as the key prefix by default if "prefix" in kwargs: prefix = kwargs["prefix"] else: prefix = name # Set vectorizer default if vectorizer is None: vectorizer = HFTextVectorizer( model="sentence-transformers/all-mpnet-base-v2" ) # Process fields self.return_fields = [ self.entry_id_field_name, self.prompt_field_name, self.response_field_name, self.inserted_at_field_name, self.updated_at_field_name, self.metadata_field_name, ] # Create semantic cache schema and index schema = SemanticCacheIndexSchema.from_params(name, prefix, vectorizer.dims) schema = self._modify_schema(schema, filterable_fields) self._index = SearchIndex(schema=schema) # Handle redis connection if redis_client: self._index.set_client(redis_client) elif redis_url: self._index.connect(redis_url=redis_url, **connection_kwargs) # Initialize other components self._set_vectorizer(vectorizer) self.set_threshold(distance_threshold) self._index.create(overwrite=False) def _modify_schema( self, schema: SemanticCacheIndexSchema, filterable_fields: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, ) -> SemanticCacheIndexSchema: """Modify the base cache schema using the provided filterable fields""" if filterable_fields is not None: protected_field_names = set( self.return_fields + [self.redis_key_field_name] ) for filter_field in filterable_fields: field_name = filter_field["name"] if field_name in protected_field_names: raise ValueError( f"{field_name} is a reserved field name for the semantic cache schema" ) # Add to schema schema.add_field(filter_field) # Add to return fields too self.return_fields.append(field_name) return schema @property def index(self) -> SearchIndex: """The underlying SearchIndex for the cache. Returns: SearchIndex: The search index. """ return self._index @property def distance_threshold(self) -> float: """The semantic distance threshold for the cache. Returns: float: The semantic distance threshold. """ return self._distance_threshold
[docs] def set_threshold(self, distance_threshold: float) -> None: """Sets the semantic distance threshold for the cache. Args: distance_threshold (float): The semantic distance threshold for the cache. Raises: ValueError: If the threshold is not between 0 and 1. """ if not 0 <= float(distance_threshold) <= 1: raise ValueError( f"Distance must be between 0 and 1, got {distance_threshold}" ) self._distance_threshold = float(distance_threshold)
def _set_vectorizer(self, vectorizer: BaseVectorizer) -> None: """Sets the vectorizer for the LLM cache. Must be a valid subclass of BaseVectorizer and have equivalent dimensions to the vector field defined in the schema. Args: vectorizer (BaseVectorizer): The RedisVL vectorizer to use for vectorizing cache entries. Raises: TypeError: If the vectorizer is not a valid type. ValueError: If the vector dimensions are mismatched. """ if not isinstance(vectorizer, BaseVectorizer): raise TypeError("Must provide a valid redisvl.vectorizer class.") schema_vector_dims = self._index.schema.fields[self.vector_field_name].attrs.dims # type: ignore validate_vector_dims(vectorizer.dims, schema_vector_dims) self._vectorizer = vectorizer
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Clear the cache of all keys while preserving the index.""" self._index.clear()
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """Clear the semantic cache of all keys and remove the underlying search index.""" self._index.delete(drop=True)
[docs] def drop( self, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, keys: Optional[List[str]] = None ) -> None: """Manually expire specific entries from the cache by id or specific Redis key. Args: ids (Optional[str]): The document ID or IDs to remove from the cache. keys (Optional[str]): The Redis keys to remove from the cache. """ if ids is not None: self._index.drop_keys([self._index.key(id) for id in ids]) if keys is not None: self._index.drop_keys(keys)
def _refresh_ttl(self, key: str) -> None: """Refresh the time-to-live for the specified key.""" if self._ttl: self._index.client.expire(key, self._ttl) # type: ignore def _vectorize_prompt(self, prompt: Optional[str]) -> List[float]: """Converts a text prompt to its vector representation using the configured vectorizer.""" if not isinstance(prompt, str): raise TypeError("Prompt must be a string.") return self._vectorizer.embed(prompt) def _check_vector_dims(self, vector: List[float]): """Checks the size of the provided vector and raises an error if it doesn't match the search index vector dimensions.""" schema_vector_dims = self._index.schema.fields[self.vector_field_name].attrs.dims # type: ignore validate_vector_dims(len(vector), schema_vector_dims)
[docs] def check( self, prompt: Optional[str] = None, vector: Optional[List[float]] = None, num_results: int = 1, return_fields: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter_expression: Optional[FilterExpression] = None, ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Checks the semantic cache for results similar to the specified prompt or vector. This method searches the cache using vector similarity with either a raw text prompt (converted to a vector) or a provided vector as input. It checks for semantically similar prompts and fetches the cached LLM responses. Args: prompt (Optional[str], optional): The text prompt to search for in the cache. vector (Optional[List[float]], optional): The vector representation of the prompt to search for in the cache. num_results (int, optional): The number of cached results to return. Defaults to 1. return_fields (Optional[List[str]], optional): The fields to include in each returned result. If None, defaults to all available fields in the cached entry. filter_expression (Optional[FilterExpression]) : Optional filter expression that can be used to filter cache results. Defaults to None and the full cache will be searched. Returns: List[Dict[str, Any]]: A list of dicts containing the requested return fields for each similar cached response. Raises: ValueError: If neither a `prompt` nor a `vector` is specified. ValueError: if 'vector' has incorrect dimensions. TypeError: If `return_fields` is not a list when provided. .. code-block:: python response = cache.check( prompt="What is the captial city of France?" ) """ if not (prompt or vector): raise ValueError("Either prompt or vector must be specified.") vector = vector or self._vectorize_prompt(prompt) self._check_vector_dims(vector) return_fields = return_fields or self.return_fields if not isinstance(return_fields, list): raise TypeError("return_fields must be a list of field names") query = RangeQuery( vector=vector, vector_field_name=self.vector_field_name, return_fields=self.return_fields, distance_threshold=self._distance_threshold, num_results=num_results, return_score=True, filter_expression=filter_expression, ) cache_hits: List[Dict[Any, str]] = [] # Search the cache! cache_search_results = self._index.query(query) for cache_search_result in cache_search_results: key = cache_search_result["id"] self._refresh_ttl(key) print(cache_search_result, flush=True) # Create cache hit cache_hit = CacheHit(**cache_search_result) cache_hit_dict = { k: v for k, v in cache_hit.to_dict().items() if k in return_fields } cache_hit_dict["key"] = key cache_hits.append(cache_hit_dict) return cache_hits
[docs] def store( self, prompt: str, response: str, vector: Optional[List[float]] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, filters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> str: """Stores the specified key-value pair in the cache along with metadata. Args: prompt (str): The user prompt to cache. response (str): The LLM response to cache. vector (Optional[List[float]], optional): The prompt vector to cache. Defaults to None, and the prompt vector is generated on demand. metadata (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): The optional metadata to cache alongside the prompt and response. Defaults to None. filters (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): The optional tag to assign to the cache entry. Defaults to None. Returns: str: The Redis key for the entries added to the semantic cache. Raises: ValueError: If neither prompt nor vector is specified. ValueError: if vector has incorrect dimensions. TypeError: If provided metadata is not a dictionary. .. code-block:: python key = prompt="What is the captial city of France?", response="Paris", metadata={"city": "Paris", "country": "France"} ) """ # Vectorize prompt if necessary and create cache payload vector = vector or self._vectorize_prompt(prompt) self._check_vector_dims(vector) # Build cache entry for the cache cache_entry = CacheEntry( prompt=prompt, response=response, prompt_vector=vector, metadata=metadata, filters=filters, ) # Load cache entry with TTL keys = self._index.load( data=[cache_entry.to_dict()], ttl=self._ttl, id_field=self.entry_id_field_name, ) return keys[0]
[docs] def update(self, key: str, **kwargs) -> None: """Update specific fields within an existing cache entry. If no fields are passed, then only the document TTL is refreshed. Args: key (str): the key of the document to update using kwargs. Raises: ValueError if an incorrect mapping is provided as a kwarg. TypeError if metadata is provided and not of type dict. .. code-block:: python key ='this is a prompt', 'this is a response') cache.update( key, metadata={"hit_count": 1, "model_name": "Llama-2-7b"} ) """ if kwargs: for k, v in kwargs.items(): # Make sure the item is in the index schema if k not in set( self._index.schema.field_names + [self.metadata_field_name] ): raise ValueError(f"{k} is not a valid field within the cache entry") # Check for metadata and deserialize if k == self.metadata_field_name: if isinstance(v, dict): kwargs[k] = serialize(v) else: raise TypeError( "If specified, cached metadata must be a dictionary." ) kwargs.update({self.updated_at_field_name: current_timestamp()}) self._index.client.hset(key, mapping=kwargs) # type: ignore self._refresh_ttl(key)